Tax Filing Instructions
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05-000 Padded Filing Instructions
Individual filing instructions are a handy way to recap refunds, balances due, estimated payments, where to sign, when to fil...
29-100 9X12 Env. Corporate Filing Inst
This envelope combines both Federal and State Corporate instructions on one envelope. It's easy to list overpayment, balances...
30-000 Quarterly Payroll Filing Instr. Pad
Combines both Federal and State information on one sheet. It's easy to fill out with a large section provided for other instr...
30-100 9 x 12 Env. Qrtly Payroll Filing Inst.
Combines both Federal and State information on one envelope It's easy to fill out with a large section provided for other ins...
16-100 Filing Inst. Post-it Note Pad
Multi-purpose notes stick to any surface. 50 Sheets per pad.
16-200 Sign/Date Below Post-it Note Pad
Multi-purpose notes stick to any surface. 50 Sheets per pad.
16-610 Electronic Return POST-IT notes 4x6
Multi-purpose notes stick to any surface. 50 Sheets per pad.
16-620 Missing Information POST-ITs 4x6
Multi-purpose notes stick to any surface. 50 Sheets per pad.
16-630 Tax Return Checklist POST-ITs 4x6
4" X 6" Tax Preparation Checklist Post-It Note. A quick and easy way to track progress and communicate with your clients....
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